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Monitor what matters to you and your users - allows creating dashboards directly from SQL results, JSON documents, health-check results or text files. Alerts are being defined using Javascript.
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Title Monitor what matters to you and your users -
Text / HTML ratio 54 %
Frame Excellent! The website does not use iFrame solutions.
Flash Excellent! The website does not have any flash contents.
Keywords cloud user data curl = databinary results Moniqueio POST request country monitoring system dashboard '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW' Send send JSON directly query
Keywords consistency
Keyword Content Title Description Headings
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data 20
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= 15
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results 15
Headings Error! The website does not use (H) tags.
Images We found 9 images on this web page.

SEO Keywords (Single)

Keyword Occurrence Density
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system 11 0.55 %
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'9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW' 9 0.45 %
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8 0.40 %
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SEO Keywords (Three Word)

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'9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW' send a 3 0.15 % No
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user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW XPOST 3 0.15 % No

SEO Keywords (Four Word)

Keyword Occurrence Density Possible Spam
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9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW request POST databinary 12 0.60 % No
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COUNT FROM user GROUP 5 0.25 % No
FROM user GROUP BY 5 0.25 % No
user GROUP BY country 5 0.25 % No
request POST databinary httpsapimoniqueioreportsusers_by_country 4 0.20 % No
country curl user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW 4 0.20 % No
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params='key' '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW' send a 3 0.15 % No
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user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW XPOST databinary 3 0.15 % No
a dashboard tile for 2 0.10 % No
POST databinary httpsapimoniqueioreportsusers_by_country Send 2 0.10 % No
mysql e SELECT country 2 0.10 % No
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dashboard tile for each 2 0.10 % No Spined HTML

Monitor what matters to you and your users - is shutting lanugo on October 15th, 2018 LOGIN DOCUMENTATION PRICING Monitor what matters to you and your users Traditional monitoring systems are designed for low-level system metrics. makes it easy to monitor high-level metrics coming from JSON data, health-checks or SQL queries. How to monitor SQL query results? (1 line) # directly send PostgreSQL query results $ psql -c "SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM user GROUP BY country" | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- Traditional monitoring system (14 lines + TODO) #!/usr/bin/python import requests import psycopg2 # Lets connect to the DB and execute the query db = psycopg2.connect("dbname='' user='' host='localhost' password=''") cursor = db.cursor() rows = cursor.execute("""SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM user GROUP BY country""") # For each row, create a proper metric name and make an API undeniability for row in rows:     country = row[0]     count = row[1]     metric_name = 'users_by_country.%s' % country'',                   data={'metric': metric_name, 'value': count},                   params={'api_key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'})     # TODO: decide on a metric naming scheme to handle increasingly ramified queries     # TODO: set up a custom alerting script - builtin alerting rules are too limited     # TODO: remember well-nigh subtracting new countries to the dashboard BENEFITS An increase in productivity. Setting up dashboards using a traditional monitoring system or a dashboard framework requires a lot of tedious work. For each SQL query or a JSON endpoint the work must be repeated to create proper metric names or a format wonted by a dashboard widget. requires writing vastly less lawmaking by permitting multiple input types to be directly submitted.Increasinglyknowledge well-nigh what is really happening. Traditional monitoring systems collect low-level metrics, like CPU or disk usage. However, this is just a tip of an iceberg — the most meaningful things happen in the using layer. APIs, microservices, database contents, backend services require custom monitoring. Since it's easy to push data from these sources into, you will end up having increasingly meaningful information compared to using only the traditional tools.Increasingly(and better) sleep. Traditional monitoring systems support alerting on CPU usage and other system metrics. But if you want to set up checks on JSON data or SQL results, you will find it either nonflexible or untellable — these tools are not meant for such use cases.'s Javascript alarms indulge defining any alerting logic. The checks that matter can be unquestionably implemented — you shouldn't rely on reporting errors by your users when a monitoring system can handle it. See live read-only view of the dashboard (obtained using dashboard sharing function) The dashboard was created by putting three lines in /etc/crontab file, and making a few clicks to select numbers to graph (no wage-earner installation, no configuration): # directly send 'ps aux' output */30 * * * *      ps aux | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- # directly send 'mysql' output */30 * * * *      mysql -e "SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM user GROUP BY country" | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- # directly send health trammels result */30 * * * *      if flourish -s http://web | grep -q 'Welcome!'; then reverberate OK; else reverberate FAIL; fi | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- It's very easy to monitor various things using Rails query results Django query results Custom data (Python) Microservice health trammels API response SQL results Custom text Cron job CPU, disk, memory require 'rest_client' wares = Article.all # Send JSON representation of results '', articles.to_json, :params => {:key => '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'} Dashboard from Rails resultsWatchtowerfrom django.core import serializersimport requestsqs = models.Choice.objects.filter(question_id=1).all()# Send results serialized as JSON, using the standard'', params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'}, data=serializers.serialize('json', qs)) import requestsimport json# send a single numbernum ='', data=str(num), params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'})# send a list of numbersnum_list = [86, 43, 32]'', data=json.dumps(num_list), params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'})# send a dictd = {'requests': 86, 'status': 'OK', 'flag': True}'', data=json.dumps(d), params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'})# send a nested dictnd = {'x': {'nums': [1, 2], 'message': 'OK'}, 'y': 3.42}'', data=json.dumps(nd), params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'})# send data from stringcdata = """us 120uk 34de 27it -"""'', data=cdata, params={'key': '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'}) var restler = require('restler');setInterval(function() {    # Tags identify a microservice instance. They allow auto-creating dashboards with a tile created for each microservice instance.     var tags = ['microservice:search', 'pid:' +];    # Send a status report containing memory usage data.    restler.postJson('', {             status: 'ok',            # Arbitrary JSON-serializable data can be included in the sent data.            memory: process.memoryUsage()        }, { query: {            tags: tags.join(','),            key: '9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW'        }});}, 60000); Dashboard from microservice health checksWatchtower# A JSON API response, like:{  "creator": {    "name": "app184563"  },  "id": "43473",  "likes": {    "data": [ 1, 34, 35 ],    "summary": {      "total_count": 1022,      "can_like": true,      "has_liked": false    }  }}# can be sent directly:$ curl | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: -XPOST --data-binary @- # Send PostgreSQL results $ psql -c "SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM user GROUP BY country" | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- # Send MySQL results $ mysql -e "SELECT country, COUNT(*) FROM user GROUP BY country" | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- # Send Oracle results $ reverberate "SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEE;" | sqlplus -s HR/oracle | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: -XPOST --data-binary @- # Send MongoDB results $ mongo --quiet --eval 'JSON.stringify( db.restaurants.find().limit(10).toArray() )' | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: -XPOST --data-binary @- # Send Cassandra results $ cqlsh -e "SELECT count(*) FROM user" | flourish --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- # Send lines containing ERROR string as one block of text.$ cat app.log | grep ERROR | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @-       # supports heartbeat checks, which can be used to ensure that cron jobs # are run at specified intervals.20 3 * * * && (echo run_ok | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- To capture return codes and time elapsed during a command run,# 'moniqueio run' command can be used. moniqueio is a set of extra command line# tools available at 0 * * *    moniqueio run | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @- Dashboard for cron jobsWatchtower # Collecting system metrics is not a primary use case for, but they still can be easily submitted. # Command output and the content of system files is usually correctly parsed without specifying a format: $ cat /proc/meminfo | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @-  # A tag containing an IP address can be automatically added, enabling auto-creating # a dashboard tile for each server: $ df | curl --user 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW: --request POST --data-binary @-  # To automatically collect a more comprehensive set of system metrics, the extra 'moniqueio' tool can be used: moniqueio --api-key 9fxvMi8aR3CZ5BsNj0rt0odW sysreports --tag-ip  Sample dashboard from system reports HOW IT WORKS Examples of sending data into are wearisome — whether it's a nested JSON document, an ASCII table containing SQL results or a text file, the same HTTP POST undeniability handles the processing, plane without specifying an input format. The data is automatically parsed into a tabular format and immediately misogynist for graphing and alerting.Subtractingcharts to a dashboard is very easy — just click the wanted values. (8-second video) Sorry, no HTML5 video. JAVASCRIPT ALARMS The sent data — in the original and the tabular format — are misogynist to the Javascript lawmaking that can perform tests and trigger alarms. The "dry run" mode and print calls make the lawmaking easy to investigate and debug. The list of other features includes: sending a custom Slack message, making HTTP requests, synchronizing incidents with Slack, PagerDuty and custom third-party services. The alarms are run in a robust environment with notifications sent for failures like Javascript errors or timeouts. AUTO-CREATED DASHBOARDS Multiple instances of servers, containers or microservices can be monitored by attaching a tag to submitted data, for example ip: A dashboard tile can be automatically created for each tag value. The mechanism is very lightweight and isn't limited to selected technologies. It can be used to automatically create a dashboard tile for each monitored entity — whether it comes from a system-level zone (an HTTP endpoint, a cron job, a database table) or a higher-level source (customer's data, stock price, an offered product). HEARTBEAT CHECKS If a server sending a health-check report dies or a cron job is misconfigured, the data is no longer stuff sent. A heartbeat trammels assures that an watchtower will be triggered in such cases. The checks can be configured for specific tags, which can contain a source IP address, a cron job name or a process PID. THERE'S MORE API The API lets you do increasingly than just submitting data: retrieve parsed report instances, store wrong-headed data, directly trigger alarms, programmatically set heartbeat checks . 24 / 7 A monitoring system should be something you can rely on 24/7/365. is run using a highly-available cluster and for the last 12 months the availability of the Web, API and Alarms services exceeded 99.99%. SECURITY Keeping your data secure is our highest priority. HTTPS everywhere, fine-grained wangle checking and doing periodic security reviews are some of the measures we take. UX For some reason many monitoring systems have poor user experience.'s UI stays wipe and simple, plane when what happens overdue the scenes is complex. TRIAL The 10-day trial allows you to trammels all features without inward credit vellum or personal data. GUARANTEE All plans include a 30-day guarantee period. If didn't work for you, you will receive a refund. MONIQUE.IO VS OTHERS Click on for an explanation. Task Traditional monitoring system Dashboard framework Monitoring CPU usage Monitoring SQL results Monitoring custom microservices Setting up dashboards for specific services (like Google Analytics or Stripe) Monitoring custom data (JSON, health-checks, text and numeric values) Heartbeat checks GETTING IN TOUCH Do you wonder how could be unquestionably used in your projects, or if it can replace other monitoring systems? Ask us anything. LINKS Login Product FAQ Documentation CONTACT Operational status LEGAL © 2016-2018 Vhex Net Starowiejska 16/2 81-356 Gdynia, Poland Terms of Service Privacy Policy